Good ideas demand a good implementation!
Your project begins with the analysis of the technical feasibility, possible finance mechanisms and accessible grants and subsidies. Whether you are the builder, planner, planning department or delivery partner – we accompany you as a strategic partner and connect you with competent actors, so that quality green roofs and green and living walls become the norm.
As your strategic partner, we accompany you, so that your greening project will be a success. Together we work on your greening aims and manage interfaces throughout the whole planning and building process including commissioning, quality assurance and maintenance to lead to an outstanding result.
We are guided by an optimisation of the cost-benefit ratio. The greening check available on this webpage analysis the technical and financial feasibility. At the same time, the greening process will result in a high-quality result and is planned and accompanied by experts. We provide you with all the information you need on standards, grants and subsidies, quality assured system solutions and the tender specifications. We will make the result of our work, that is your successful project, visible on the GRÜNSTATTGRAU project map.

“We benefit from the continuous project support – from the first idea of retrofitting a green wall to care and maintenance. Thanks to GRÜNSTATTGRAU we can now deliver the first project of its kind in Graz maximising all available benefits!”
Johannes Rumpl
Director UNIQA Styria