Space & Green
Possibilities for integrating greening into the regulations of Austrian spatial planning. An overview of the final report of the research project.
In this project, a study was compiled that presents the interrelationships of Austrian spatial planning with the issue of greening as well as current strategies and regulations. Furthermore, the need for action and concrete recommendations, possibilities and responsibilities are shown that are directly related to the integration of innovative greening. The project is designed to effectively integrate structural greening into the rules and regulations of Austrian spatial planning and land use planning. The addressees are the federal government, the Länder and the municipalities. The level of legislation was also analysed and possible solutions for the future of nature-based solutions planning were discussed.
The core of the recommendations relates to cross-municipal spatial planning guidelines in order to promote a holistic approach. The next step is in the direction of local spatial planning instruments. The direct point of reference is the respective building code of the federal state as well as development plans. A special solution is the contract space order. Funding at provincial and municipal level is seen as an essential catalyst. In addition, however, broad awareness raising is needed at all levels to achieve a real sensitisation for greening as a spatial planning climate change adaptation measure.

January 2023