The new NBS Platform is online!

Plattform “Connecting Nature Enterprises

Welcome to the Connecting Nature Entreprise Platform 2.0 – businesses can register!

The Financial Times calls the research on “Nature-Based Enterprises” “highly commended” in the recent Responsible Business Education Awards. Nature-based businesses contribute to a wide range of sustainable economic activities that standard industry classification systems do not adequately address. This is also shown by the Austrian GREEN MARKET REPORT! Here are all the major published papers on Nature-Based Enterprises (NBE):

This research was carried out by researchers Siobhan McQuaid, Esmee Kooijman, Sheila Cannon and Mary Lee Rhodes from Trinity Business School in collaboration with Marcus Collier from Trinity School of Natural Sciences and Francesco from University College Dublin as part of the Horizon 2020 Connecting Nature project.

The Connecting Nature Enterprise Platform (CNEP) was first launched in 2020 after research identified thousands of nature-based businesses working with and for nature. The research showed that many of these businesses were working in isolation, with no peer support network and no central home where we could be found and heard as a collective and important part of the nature-conscious economy.

In the first two years they grew to over 2,000+ members with representation from over 90 countries worldwide. Connections have been made and many members have started to work together on projects. Knowledge, opportunities and insights have been shared and friendships have been created and developed. One of the first events on the new platform will be the industry’s first future horizon scanning event. With 10 industry-leading international speakers, this promises to be an event not to be missed.

“Nature Futures: Aufkommende Trends für naturbasierte Unternehmen”

Wednesday, 15. March, 13:00 Uhr GMT / 14:00 Uhr MEZ

January 2023

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