Livingroofs.org is an independent organisation set up by Dusty Gedge in 2002 to promote green roofs and living walls in urban areas in the UK and around the world. The organisation has been a member of the European Federation of Green Roof and Wall Associations (EFB) since 2006 as the UK representative. Dusty Gedge is the current president of the EFB, an office he has held since 2008. Further, he is a cofounder of the new national association called The Green Roof Organisation (GRO). Since 2020 GRO is now the offical representative association of the UK and EFB member.
Livingroofs.org is a rich resource providing news, analysis and in-depth research into the latest innovations in green roof and wall technology and developments in the industry, from contractors and suppliers to large-scale developers.
Living Roofs and Walls: from policy to practice – 10 years of urban greening in London and beyond.
Although this report is available online, over the coming months, we will be publishing additional articles and blogs on our website. These aim to add greater detail to elements in the report, including:
exemplar case studies from London, around the UK, Europe and the rest of the world
articles looking at cities around the world which are developing policies and new approaches to green roofs and walls
a full set of infographics for London – the Greater London Authority, the Central Activity Zone and 33 boroughs/councils within the UK capital
Livingroofs.org also provides a consultancy service. The organisation and our associates are recognized international authorities on urban green infrastructure.
Livingroofs Enterprises Ltd
7 Dartmouth Grove
SE10 8AR London
E-Mail: dusty@dustygedge.co.uk
Website: https://livingroofs.org/