PSDZ – Polskie Stowarzyszenie „Dachy Zielone”
The Polish Green Roof Association (PGRA) gather together 106 members interested in green roofs and living walls problems. They are researches, architects, consultants, appraisers, inspectors and technical supervisors, professional press journalists, lawyers, employees of governmental and municipalities organizations as well as students. Polish Green Roof Association is a member of the Federation of Engineering Associations– FSNT-NOT, which is Polish organization of over 170 years history. This organization unites and co-ordinates 39 professional Associations of all branches of engineers and technicians in Poland (ca. 100 300 individual members altogether).
From 2014 Polish Green Roof Association is a member of EFB (European Federation of Association of Green Roofs and Living Walls) and from 2017 is a member of WGIN (World Green Infrastructure Network). PGRA inspires specialists involved with green roofs and living walls problems and serves as the source of information, news and resources dealing with planning, execution and up-keeping of green roofs and living walls as well as the place where everyone can share their experience. The aim of the Association is to spread highly specialized knowledge by organizing training courses and conferences.
Very important and common activity of all members of the Association is the cooperation with municipal offices, contributing to creation of local and/or national policy concerning importance of green infrastructure to cities. An equally important purpose is to create nationwide guideline that will stimulate installation of bigger number of green roofs and living walls on new and existing buildings and will helps to understand how many benefits this kind of urban greenery can brings. Therefore, in recent years Association closer co-operates with municipalities.
Current activities
In the current year (2019) Polish Green Roof Association leads the following actions:
The Visegrad Group project – this is second joint project Associations from Czechia, Hungary, Slovakia and Poland. These adjacent Central European countries have similar history and current economic situation.
Therefore it is quite easy to conduct joint projects. In 2019 the representatives of these countries will visit one city in each country. They are the examples of smart city in ecological meaning and showed solution are possible to implicate in every city belonging to Visegrad Group.
Conference on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the existence the Polish Green Roof Association – the most important event for Polish Green Roof Association this year. All board members and some other members of the PGRA are involved in preparation of this international conference.
During this conference Association wants to present the current situation of green infrastructure in Poland and in the World. It would help some Polish stakeholders to take proper decisions to create more green roofs and living walls in their cities.
Besides above mentioned activities the members of Polish Green Roof Association have been invited by other organisations to present lecture and seminars in different conferences and training courses.
Some selected City Greening Programs
For now, there is no national policy on green infrastructure in Poland yet. Some cities like Warsaw, Krakow, Lodz and Wroclaw published standards for urban greenery. These documents do not mention the green roofs and living walls, but sometimes indicate in which case they can be used. In addition, inhabitants of Wroclaw can obtain a tax reduction if the building where they live has green roof or living wall.
Polskie Stowarzyszenie „Dachy Zielone” (PSDZ)
pl. Grunwaldzki 24a | 50
363 Wrocław
E-Mail: biuro@psdz.pl
Website: http://www.psdz.pl/