Vera Enzi – NBS Consultant
About me
My name is Vera Enzi, I am landscape planner and vegetation engineer by profession, with a specific interest on biodiversity and building-related green infrastructure. I work on a global scope. I am proud member of the Nature based enterprises platform and Ambassador for green roof and wall companies. I am an active vice-president of the European Federation Green roof and wall associations, representing Austria.
I see myself as enabler and I love to inspire and bring ideas and projects forward. Due to my colourful career, I was able to collect comprehensive knowledge on policies, strategies, planning, implementation, maintenance, innovation and standards of technologies from an austrian-european, public-private perspective. I am looking forward meeting you and explore how I can support your ideas.
About Nature Based Solutions (NBS) on buildings and my work
Nature based solutions on buildings are the future leading path adopting to and mitigating the emerging climate crisis and related hazards. Green roofs and walls have many measurable benefits to offer and perform excellent with other needs such as renewable energy, water and food. They shape the way we deal nowadays with future-oriented urban to rural planning and refurbishment of buildings and infrastructures. As human beings, we relate on nature and biodiversity around us.
My offers include consulting packages for public to private clients, I offer innovation, strategic to project consulting, individual trainings and tailored speeches.
In case an added value can be generated, I suggest including my partner networks and technology to research partners, for example GreenPass for performance analysis and EU taxonomy, Gentian for biodiversity mapping and monitoring, vfi for vertical farming related projects and GRÜNSTATTGRAU and BOKU for research and network related working streams.
Meine Projekte
Vera Enzi - NBS Consultant
Höch 11
8442 St. Andrä-Höch
Website: https://www.veraenzi.com