
The Green 100 ‘25 is now open for applications

The Green 100 ‘25 is your chance to showcase your climate-focused venture and take it to the next level—apply now!

The Green 100 ‘25 is now open for applications.

Last year, this event led to meaningful investments and strategic partnerships for many ventures in the Impact Hub community, and once again, there is an opportunity to participate and create valuable connections this year.

If your venture is investment-ready, profit-oriented, and focused on climate protection or adaptation, this could be a chance to connect with the right investors and take the next step in your growth journey.

What’s in it for participants?
– Guaranteed investor meetings – at least two curated 30-minute sessions on-site (May 14)
– Exclusive access to the b2match platform and the Green 100 investor pool
– Preparatory workshops with experts to refine presentations and strategy
– A chance to secure investment and long-term partnerships

The Green 100 ‘25 takes place on May 14, 2025, and applications are open until February 16, 2025. A pitch deck is required as part of the selection process. Participation is completely free for both ventures and investors.

For any questions, the organizers can be contacted directly.

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