European Federation of Green Roof & Wall Associations (EFB)
The 15 associations promote and encourage the uptake of green roofs and green walls in their countries to help address issues related to climate change, ecosystem services, green infrastructure and lack of green space in the built environment.
EFB was founded 1997 as non-for-profit organization and represents the umbrella organisation for all green roof and wall Associations in Europe. As of 2024, there are 17 member associations in EFB. The national associations themselves consist of over +1500 Small to Medium Enterprises and their employees, dealing with manufacturing, supplying and construction of Green Roofs and Walls in Europe. All national associations have full and extraordinary members from Universities, City Governments, Planning and Architecture bodies related to the association.
Green Roofs and Living Walls of all kinds offer a wide range of different measurable benefits. They are, therefore, considered an important element of the Urban Green Infrastructure network especially in densely built Retrofit Areas of Cities. The EFB is supporting Green Roofs and Walls on European level.
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European Federation of Green Roof and Green Wall Associations (EFB)
Favoritenstraße 50
1040 Wien
E-Mail: office@efb-greenbuildings.eu
Website: https://efb-greenroof.eu/