GreenScape CE

Despite the highly differentiated biogeographical areas in CE, urban areas face similar challenges.
Growing urban sprawl turns green into grey areas, leaving the urban areas more prone to the adverse
effects of extreme weather events and climate change, intensifying the effects and occurrence of
urban heat islands and urban floods, and leading to air pollution, health challenges, biodiversity loss,
and growth in energy demand.
GreenScape CE paves a way for integrating nature-based solutions (NBS) and green infrastructure
(GI) in the grey infrastructure in 5 CE urban areas, significantly affected by aggravating urban heat
island effect: Milano Metropolitan Area, Ptuj, Szegedin, Warsaw and Zagreb through peer-to-peer
learning, transnational capacity building and participatory decision-making.
GreenScape CE will utilize the initiated transnational cooperation between 33 organisations to jointly
develop 5 NBS/GI action plans, followed by 3 pilot actions using 3 jointly developed solutions, and 2
CE-wide strategies. The main beneficiaries of the project results are local governments and citizens.
Both groups will benefit from know-how exchange, strengthened multi-level governance, tailored
capacity building events, as well as the initiated NBS pilot actions that contribute to the well-being
and social inclusion.
These results will be accomplished through the transnational cooperation of 12 PPs (AT, HR, HU, IT,
PL, SI). Together they will promote structural cooperation between public authorities and
stakeholders and work on strengthening capacities for holistic and efficient planning of GI. The
GreenScape CE results will support the development of NBS projects beyond the pilot areas through
active engagement of potential replicator cities during the project and disseminating findings to
improve policy learning. Transnational collaboration is essential for the exchange of knowledge and
ideas that will lead to mainstreaming climate resilience solutions in urban areas.
Learn more:


Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE Co-founded by the European Union


Sonnenstadt Lienz


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Stadt der Zukunft ist ein Forschungs- und Technologieprogramm des Bundesministeriums für Klimaschutzes BMK. Es wird im Auftrag des BMKs von der Österreichischen Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft gemeinsam mit der Austria Wirtschaftsservice Gesellschaft mbH und der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Umwelt und Technik ÖGUT abgewickelt.

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